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InTASC Standard #3
Learning Environment

Children Reading the Holy Bible
The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self motivation (InTASC, 2013).



Brief Description of Evidence: In the spring of 2023 I created a Classroom Management Plan in my SPED 240 Culturally Appropriate Practices in Managing Behavior class. My Classroom Management Plan outlines my classroom mission statement, expectations, a daily schedule, morning and end of day routines, a reward system and expected consequences for unwanted behaviors. The daily schedule outlines exactly what the students will be doing all throughout the day. The rewards system allows students to earn “colorful cash”  for positive behavior. They can use the colorful cash to purchase items from the toy chest or the students can choose to donate their colorful cash to a class bank. Once the class bank reaches a certain amount of money, the entire class will be rewarded with a special treat or party. The Classroom Management Plan also addresses what consequences are in place for unwanted behavior. Typically a student will receive a verbal warning. If the behavior continues, the student may be sent to a cool down area, a phone call to the parents or a trip to the office may also be necessary. It is important to note that each behavior and consequence may look different for different students.












Analysis of What I Learned: By creating a classroom management plan, I was able to learn about the importance of routine, schedule management and develop a reward and consequence system to use in order to promote a positive learning environment. I wanted to keep in mind intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and how I can apply each of those to my reward and consequence system. Intrinsic motivation works well with students who are motivated by internal rewards, because they find it enjoyable, fun or statisfiying. Extrinsic motivation will be great for students who are motivated by an external reward such as colorful cash and class parties.  Within my classroom management plan you can find a daily schedule and a morning and end of day routine. By providing a visual of the schedules and routines to the students and parents, my goal is to eliminate stress and anxiety to those who thrive on routine, which will encourage independence and self motivation. I also learned that in order to have a classroom with limited disrupted behaviors, it is important to create an environment that encourages positive social interactions and supports individual and collaborative learning. Therefore, expecting and modeling kindness, honesty, respectfulness and positivity, our classroom will exceed the expectations of positive social interactions and collaborative learning opportunities. 

How This Artifact Demonstrates my Competence on the InTASC Standard: Having the experience of creating my own classroom management plan, I was able to work towards my competency in InTASC Standard 3 Learning Environments, because I worked hard to create a classroom management plan that supports individual and collaborative learning, sets expectations that will foster positive social interactions and encourages self motivation. In order to establish the positive classroom environment that I strive to have, I must model the ways in which I expect my students to behave. For example, if I expect my students to be positive, kind, honest, hardworking and respectful, I must be the lead example of those attributes. Educational theorist, Albert Bandura, developed a social learning theory which states that modeling and observation play a primary role in how people learn and he further states that perception of learning is a direct experience of the environment (Mcleod, 2023). Albert Bandura’s theory of learning is a great example of what will be happening in my classroom with my classroom management plan in place. Social learning theory, proposed by Albert Bandura, emphasizes the importance of observing, modeling, and imitating the behaviors, attitudes, and emotional reactions of others (Mcleod, 2023). In order to have a positive learning environment for my students to excel and support their learning needs, there must be guidelines, expectations, routines, schedules, rewards and consequences. That is why my classroom management plan is a great example of my competence in InTASC Standard 3.




Council of Chief State School Officers. (2013, April). Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards and Learning Progressions for Teachers 1.0: A Resource for Ongoing Teacher Development. Washington, DC: Author.


Mcleod, S. (2023, February 16). Albert Bandura's social learning theory. Simply Psychology. Retrieved April 4, 2023, from


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